UC Davis Math 150A - Modern Algebra
Winter 2020

Lecture: MWF 1:10 - 2:00 pm, Wellman 212
Instructor: Robert Krone,
  Email: rkrone@math.ucdavis.edu
  Office hours: M 11-12, W 12-1 MSB 3145.

Discussion: R 6:10 - 7:00 pm, Wellman 205
TA: Brian Harvie,
  Email: bharvie@math.ucdavis.edu
  Office hours: T 12-1 MSB 3129.

Discussion: R 7:10 - 8:00 pm, Wellman 205
TA: Ryan Moreno-Vasquez,
  Email: rcmorenovasquez@math.ucdavis.edu
  Office hours: TBA MSB 3125.

Syllabus (.pdf)

Main Text:


Problem sets are due in lecture on Friday. You may collaborate with groups of up to four to work on the problems, but each student must write up and submit their answers individually.



Grades are posted on Canvas.

LaTeX resources: